Cookie Cutter
Welcome to my account! The definition of CILF is "Cookie I'd Like To Fuck" of course, the account is a joke and it's just to have fun! But submissions are always open to everyone.

Our mascot is Vampire Cookie!

Soon i will open CILH! (Cookie I'd like to hug) where you will be allowed to post any cookies

Q: Which characters can i submit?
A: Any! as long as they are cookies and aren't underage or don't look like minors.

Q: Why can't i submit an underage character?
A: The definition of CILF is "Cookies I'd like to fuck", it would be really weird if you requested a minor.

Q: This character isn't from cookie run, can i still upload them?
A: Answer in the first question!

Q: How do i submit a character?
A: You have to DM me or send me a CC for it, please specify the cookie's pronouns! The character can be male, female, non binary, or any other

Q: I can send anything on your CC right?
A: Yes, of course, as long as you're not sending me any threat and stuff, I'm comfortable with anything


please don't be too weird on my tweets, i feel anxious with pqrts sometimes, but you're free to do so, i sometimes get busy so please be patient, don't get mad if your cookie wasn't submitted yet! i get too many ccs. I tag ooc posts with #ncilf which you can mute, I sometimes forget it though!

basic dni criteria, radfem/TERF, pro/com/neutralshipper, pro-fiction, think "fiction=fiction", rad-inclus, exclus, neutrus, fujoshi/fundanshi, anti-feminist or get too much in the discourse, support cryptocurrency, encourage delusions or reality check people without consent, send sensitive media to others to trigger them, accounts on sh/edtwt
hello! i go by he/thou/gore/it prns and my name is dross/lucifer/scara, my signoff is 🍪 or #ncilf, i have psychosis and im dyslexic, if i make any grammar mistakes, don't correct me, ty, i may also just don't post sometimes because i either got to anxious, overwhelmed or lazy.

Im milk cookie, clover cookie, im basically a cookie irl! /srs i experience delusions so please be patient with me
Any medias is fine as long as you're not posting some character who is underage/looks underage

In the case of cookie run, you're allowed to request specific costume (if you don't, I'll post the cookie without any costumes)

Specify if you want me to post their preferred toppings!

Not forcing, but if you can send a picture of the cookie, that'd be great!